
Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Meaning of the Equals Sign - First Grade Math

My students are learning that the equal sign doesn't always occur at the end of an equation. Once they get that each side of the equal sign must be equal, they are on their way. It might seem like a simple concept, but many have only seen an equation with the equal sign at the end. I am starting out with manipulatives and a balance to demonstrate this concept. I am still in the process of completing the unit.

Click here for a free copy of the activity sheets.

Need a technology connection? Check out the Math Illuminations website. It has a great activity showing Balanced Equations

I'm always looking for a book to connect to my math concepts.  Have you read Equal Shmequal by Virginia Kroll? Do you have any favorite books to use in this unit?

Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Sunday, April 14, 2013

First Grade - DRA Prep with Reading Graphic Organizers

Do you believe it is already April? The year is flying by. My students are turning into amazing readers. To prepare for one of our reading assessments, the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment), we have been practicing retelling a story. I have created a few graphic organizers to remind my students to think about the connections they make while they read and to identify the author's message. On a side note, I love to use Leo Lionni's books to teach author's message. More about that in a future blog.
Click here for a  free copy.

Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Don't forget to check out Manic Monday at classroom freebies! There is always a lot of amazing, and free, resources. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Adding Nine (Plus 9)

Classroom Freebies Manic MondaySome of my students are getting good at adding nine to a one digit number. Those that still needed a scaffold used the 2 ten frames to help them visualize how to make that friendly number ten. To play the game they rolled a die and then added nine. If the sum is in the box they can move the counter, if not they lose a turn.   
 Click here for the freebie.

 Teaching Blog Addict - Ultimate FreebieHead over to Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade for more great spring resources.
Mrs Wheelers First Grade

Monday, April 1, 2013

Money Unit - Top 4 Favorite Videos to Teach Coins

My favorite videos to teach coin identification and value.
Did I miss one of your favorites?

Identifying coins, value, and what is on the heads and tails. 
Name of coin and its value. Goes with poem Penny, Penny Easy Spent 
Show me the money. Students can hold up the mentioned coin. 
Some equivalent values - My kids love this one it repeats going faster and faster.