
Friday, February 1, 2013

Place Value - Ten More and Ten Less

My students are amazing. They are making such great progress in math. As part of my place value unit, I'm working on the concept of one more and one less. We played a variation of a game I have seen in many forms. Each child had a hundred's chart, one game piece (I used bears), and a spinner card. Students put their game pieces on number one to start. On each turn, the child would spin and either add or subtract 1 or 10. If the child couln't subtract the number he or she would lose a turn.

To assist some students, I had them count by using a finger to point to each number on the hundred's chart. Doing this before moving the game piece helped. Other students didn't need to do this. I loved seeing the Aha! moment when some realized how easy it was to add 10. I was thrilled when one commented, "Oh, you just add one to the ten's place." Others aren't there yet, but getting close.

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